Bert’s Bookathlon for Booklovers: A 2025 Reading Challenge
By Bert / February 1, 2025 / No Comments
Official Rules and Explanation of the Challenge
Jump to Main Event Descriptions: FEBRUARY | MARCH
This year we’re trimming off the first and last months as a sort of pair of bookends. Today marks the start of month 1, so the Bookathlon will run for 10 months, from February 1 to November 30. Each month will feature a specific reading “main event” challenge. These will be announced at the beginning of each month and may focus on genre, format, length, or even specific reading skills. I’m sure Coach Bert will have some surprises up his dust jacket along the way! 😉
Anyone is welcome to participate! In fact, we are hoping to have all kinds of people taking up this challenge! All ages, backgrounds, and reading abilities are welcome and encouraged to participate. Instead of competing against one another, you’ll be working this challenge at your own pace. Complete all 10 monthly events, and we’ll reward you! Be sure to watch out for bonus side quests along the way!
Unless otherwise specified in the monthly event description, participants are free to choose any book they like that fits the challenge criteria. Audiobooks and ebooks are acceptable unless stated otherwise (we only endorse audiobooks through and ebooks through, as your purchases there Support Our Store, but we aren’t The Police — you picking up what we’re sending out?).
Participants are responsible for filling out our Main Event Completion form located here: after completing the event. We will record your progress and you can get back to reading. If you are unable to complete the challenge, fill out the form anyway and still be eligible for any giveaways and side quests.
Sharing is encouraged and expected. We will regularly post on our social media to check in with all our Bookathletes. Use the share button to tell the world about what you’re up to. Test it when you finish reading this. Sharing is not required to participate, but it does add to the spirit!
Prizes, structure, determining winners, etc will be announced as details are available. We know you will be respectful of other Bookathletes, Coach Bert, Birch Tree Bookery, and the printed word (whether as ink, pixel, or soundwave).
Lastly, Have Fun!
Here’s the official description of our main event for February: THE 100-PAGE DASH! Read a book that is 100 pages or less in length. (If you’re a wee participant, feel free to read enough books your speed to hit about 100 pages.) The focus here is on quick comprehension and enjoying a short, satisfying read. Reach out to us if you need recommendations! As a bonus: share the book you chose and your thoughts on it, tag us, and use the hashtag #Bookathlon.
Here’s the official description of our main event for March: GENRE JUMP! Read a book that is a LONG way off of your usual reading! Are you a fantasy junkie? Read a romance. Like Mysteries? Try a Western. Only read biographies? Maybe try a horror novel. No matter where you jump from, try to challenge yourself with a magnificent leap. As a bonus: share the genre you chose and your thoughts on it, tag us, and use the hashtag #Bookathlon.
That’s all there is to it. Go for Gold and see if you can make it to the final podium in Bert’s Bookathlon for Booklovers.
#readingchallenge #birchtreebookery #coachbert #onemillionpages #goforgold #indiesfirst